Hi Divergents.

Life isn't a game! It isn't a game for a very good and somewhat profound reason.

By this, I mean to say that it is in our own best interests that we must internalize this perspective for our own benefit. The perspective of, "life isn't a game."

Why? Well, we'll delve into that shortly. But have you ever felt like the odds were stacked against you?

Have you ever noticed how phrases like "There's too much month left at the end of the money," or "The weight of responsibilities often outweighs the strength of our shoulders," or even "Dreams often dissipate in the face of harsh reality," seem to ring true more often than not?

There are countless phrases we could use to describe our life experiences, but the ones mentioned here hint at the core issues of life.

And why is that? Because, for the most part, they are undeniably true!

In the next few minutes, you will discover:

  • The importance of adopting a serious approach towards life rather than treating it as a mere game.
  • The necessity of embracing alternative viewpoints and strategies to surmount life's obstacles.
  • How Divergent Directives empowers individuals to challenge conventions and carve out a distinct path through life.


Life's odds seem stacked against us. In light of this undeniable truth, we face a choice: remain obedient, blind, and adhere to the "ignorance is bliss" philosophy, or adopt a serious approach to life, recognizing it for what it truly is – not, a game.

Given that the odds of succeeding in life are often stacked against us, it's imperative that we take a serious approach.

Okay, so you might be wondering, why so serious?

Well, our seriousness has constantly been undermined by quaint yet destructive sayings, even by words of so-called wisdom that subtly discourage us from being earnest in our life pursuits.

For instance, and this is particularly aimed at men, there's often the notion that "girls want someone who can make them laugh!" But sorry, the expectation for men to constantly entertain is off the table.

Now, why should it be off the table?

It's quite simple, really.

Because the reality is, most, or at the very least, many men, possess a natural sense of humor. Therefore, attempting a fundamental shift solely to win over a woman through laughter is a non-sequitur – it doesn't align with the foundational truth.

The foundation lies in the fact that a particular man is already naturally funny. Therefore, attempting to artificially make a woman laugh can come off as disingenuous.

Moreover, it's not beneficial for the individual who undergoes this shift simply because there's no necessity for it.

Life unfolds, love blossoms, and both can certainly include moments of fun and humor.

Anything beyond that veers into the realm of game-playing. And by it's very nature, isn't a game we ourselves created. And as we've emphasized, life isn't a game.

At least not in the sense of turning ourselves into an experiment to win over someone who may not be the right fit for us to begin with. In such matters, we must maintain a level of seriousness.

Anything less than that can result in, at best, poor decisions.

This example serves to illustrate a broader point. While I'm not a relationship expert, fundamental truths often reveal themselves through life and relationship experiences.

Here are a few more examples:

  1. Permanent consequences: Unlike in a game where you can restart or undo actions, life often presents irreversible consequences for our choices and actions. Once something is done, it cannot be undone, and the effects may last a lifetime.
  2. No clear objectives or rules: Life doesn't come with a rulebook or a predefined set of objectives like a game does. Each person navigates their own path, facing unique challenges and uncertainties without a clear roadmap to follow. We affectively write our own rules, thereby creating our own game, as it were. Which is fine if you maintain control.
  3. Unpredictability: While games usually operate within defined parameters, life is full of unpredictability. Unexpected events, both positive and negative, constantly arise, making it impossible to anticipate every outcome or plan for every contingency.
  4. Emotional complexity: Games often simplify emotions or omit them entirely, but life is filled with a wide range of complex emotions. Joy, sorrow, love, anger, and everything in between shape our experiences in profound ways that go beyond the mechanics of a game.
  5. Limited control: In games, players typically have a high degree of control over their actions and surroundings. In contrast, life often presents situations where we have limited control over external circumstances and at times, even our own emotions and thoughts.
  6. Inequality and unfairness: Life is often characterized by inequality and unfairness, with individuals facing different starting points, opportunities, and challenges. Unlike a game where everyone starts on equal footing, life's circumstances can be deeply unjust. This is really the main reason one would choose to create one's own game with one's own rules.
  7. Interconnectedness: Actions in life often have ripple effects that extend beyond ourselves, impacting others in ways we may not immediately realize. Our choices and behavior can influence the lives of friends, family, and even strangers, creating a web of interconnectedness that goes beyond individual gameplay.
  8. No respawn: In games, the concept of respawning after defeat is common, allowing players to try again without permanent consequence. In life, there's no guarantee of a second chance. Each moment is unique, and once it's gone, it's gone forever.
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Life, in its true essence, calls upon us to challenge conventional notions – to embrace alternative viewpoints like those championed by Divergent Directives.

In many ways, we create a Frankeinstein of rules that we choose to live by, what we will and will not accept or do, and so on.

As we acknowledge that life isn't always fair, (which is the main reason we should upgrade your happiness on a regular basis), and that the odds may not be in our favor, we can no longer passively accept the status quo.

Instead, we must adopt a mindset of empowerment and resilience, actively seeking out new perspectives and strategies to navigate life's challenges.

These challenges are purposefully placed before us, serving as opportunities for growth and transformation.

In the Divergent Directives newsletter, we delve into topics that illuminate alternative perspectives and provide practical insights for overcoming adversity and attaining greater levels of success.

From productivity hacks to spiritual growth, from manifesting abundance to mastering self-improvement, we cover a wide range of subjects. The Divergent Directives Newsletter serves as a roadmap for individuals who reject conventional thinking.

More significantly, it's a tool for individuals like yourself to challenge norms and engage with the insights presented within the newsletter.

This endeavor aims to encourage Divergents like yourself to approach life in a manner that benefits them without causing harm or hindrance to others.

Embark on this journey of exploration and evolution with us. Subscribe to Divergent Directives today and begin crafting your unique path towards a life of fulfillment and success.

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The 1st Step

The initial stride toward life success begins with clarity on your desires – or more precisely, understanding your destination based on what you want. It's about rewriting your life and yourself according to your aspirations, essentially authorizing your own journey and who you will become along the way. To commence this transformative process, visit our sponsors at: Authorize Publishing.


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