Put an EASY end to fear, addictions, and other negative behaviors - To cut a long story short, I tried stopping smoking for several years trying very different methods and none worked. Not even a little.

In fact, most methods worked against me very being, as if an actual attack had been instigated against me.

However, when I found out what I'm about to tell you I stopped smoking within a week. And it was incredibly easy.

So subsequently, I used the same method for fear, in general. And I am now fearless.

I am fearless except for the things that I am not prepared for. Fear has become something I am not prepared for, which is quite natural. As opposed to something I am afraid of.

Face Your Fear or Realize and Accept You Are Not Prepared!

For instance, if you asked me to speak to 1000 people on my main area of skill, I would become terrified, because I haven't prepared for the situation. And only because I haven't prepared, and maybe even practiced a little.

When I think of failure, I also think... "well, I already failed so fear of what I have already achieved is a non sequitur". (It doesn't follow the foundation, of the experience).

I used the same approach I will speak about later, for my fear, and for me, it worked like a charm. But if you want a little hint about the method I used. Re-read what you have read so far in this newsletter.

Let's continue.

How The Mind Works - On A Practical Level (Not Scientifically)

The method I used worked because it got me to change the images in my mind regarding the fear I thought I was experiencing.

You see, and I've never heard the mind explained this way from anywhere else. So I claim full glory for it! Just kidding.

All things we experience begin with an image in our minds. (not a thought - but you could say images in the mind are thoughts). Including all addictions. Although I'm sure those who have a vested interest in teaching something different would have something to say about what I'm about to say.

For example: You wanting a pint of beer begins with an image in your mind, of you drinking a beer. Same with cigarettes. You light one up because you have an image in your mind. Not because you are addicted.

And the same applies to all things we do. Or act on. The image in the mind comes first. Conscious or unconsciously. The conscious mind then acts on the image programmed into us, or that comes from the unconscious. Whether it's an addiction or other behavior.

Back to fear.

At some level, when you fear something... anything, you are creating an image that is most likely an effect of you thinking about.... the things you fear.

Say it's a fear of girls (from a man's perspective). Every time I imagine myself (as an example), to be in a relationship with a girl, I become fearful.

This is because I consciously thought of what I wanted, a girl. Then my subconscious (programmed thinking/belief), spat out an image (to my conscious mind), of me fearing the situation (in one form or another). With my smoking thing, the image was of me lighting one up.

That's what's happening within your mind!

There's also usually a more practical reason for the fear. Girls for example.

Maybe I'm not comfortable around people due to cutting myself off for a while. Or maybe I'm not hygienically clean so don't feel worthy, maybe I'm not willing to sacrifice my personal time... or whatever.

With the speaking to 1000 people thing, I have nothing prepared so fear would be a natural and rightful effect of my thinking about speaking to 1000 people. 

All of these things are natural. And so is fear.

Fear Is The Wimp Within Getting His Say!

I've heard fear described as the devil, a powerful thing or being that works against me. It has always created an authority within my mind. This is simply because I am allowing it to become an authority within my mind. Or over me.

That's just plain fear-mongering by those gurus. 

Fear (for me at least - simply because I choose it to be), is a small boy who needs disciplining. He is nothing! fear is nothing! Fear is not the devil or other powerful metaphorical or even real being. It's the wimp within. And we all have one. He is the negative within that we need to control. We cannot eliminate him altogether, we can only control and subdue him. After all. He is each of us.

The False Evidence Appearing Real thing is very close to the reality of it.

But it's more helpful to think like this. Fear is an Effect of our imagined (images), Experience (usually near or distant future).

Or something we haven't experienced yet. Simply because we are focused on the experience we think we will have because of

  1. Our imagined (images) experience. 
  2. Our unpreparedness. 

This naturally leads into... or, brings to mind, "Success is when Preparedness Meets Opportunity". I'm sure you get that.

The Once and For All Solution

So what did I do? what did I do to stop smoking easily (cigarettes and marijuana), and to eliminate my fear.

I'll tell you, but first ... 

... Know that this will begin to work the very second you decide to act on it. NOT, after you use it for a while. It begins to work the second you choose to act on it. This is true because you are having a conversation with yourself. The wimp within for example.

You consciously choose to act on it because you have decided (and that's the seed of the new and better experience), that you don't want to smoke, drink, overeat, gamble, feel fear, or just about any other negative behavior. Any more. You've had enough. Well, that's what you're telling the wimp. And he naturally obliges with the change.

This will begin to work the very second you decide to use it, to the degree that you may not think you need to complete the process at all.

And maybe that will be true once you have completed the project. But complete it anyway. And then use the tool you have created.

You will then become free of the addiction, bad habit, or whatever fear or behavior you are subject to.

The Work?

So, let's get to the practical method, and like Tony Robbins says, "everything works a little," or indeed, a lot. So give it a chance.

This is supposed to be simple so I will explain each step only, what you have to do. Here goes.

Oh, one last thing. The reason why "everything works a little," is true, is because it's not so much the method, although that too plays its part. It's the decision to change that counts. The decision, the change, the new seed, and so on. And the point at which you make the decision.

That's what begins to work. Here goes:

Step 1:

Create 10 affirmations that you would like to be true for you. Here are the stop-smoking ones I chose.

Incidentally, these are taken from my book, Eliminate The Negatives."

As an example, let's look at some stopping smoking affirmations. Traditionally, in order to stop smoking, you would be taught to read daily affirmations similar to these.

  •  I am smoke free.
  •  I am free of the smoking habit.
  • I am free of the smoking habit and feel good.

Well, to begin with, they are very tame, which probably accounts for the reason that they never work. They are too fluffy. They would be great to use after you have used some more potent commands to stop smoking but we won't make use of them here. Instead, we will rewrite them as commands. Here come the BIG GUNS!

So, when you begin to command yourself (the wimp within needs disciplining remember), or a destructive habit into obedience, your commands would go something like this:

  1. I have no desire to smoke.
  2. I refuse cigarettes.
  3. Cigarettes taste disgusting.
  4. I absolutely and totally reject cigarettes.
  5. I say no to cigarettes.
  6. I say yes to all that is good for me.
  7. I have no cravings for cigarettes.
  8. I reject nicotine.
  9. I have no desire or cravings for cigarettes.
  10. I feel good being a non-smoker.

Well, they are more demanding on the subconscious (the negative wimp within), and so are more likely to overpower the subconscious mind and render it obedient to your commands. The captain... The conscious mind.

Step 2:

Okay, so let's give them a little power boost - Let’s add some gunpowder if you will.

  1. I have absolutely no desire to smoke.
  2. I totally and absolutely refuse cigarettes.
  3. Cigarettes taste completely disgusting to me.
  4. I absolutely and totally reject cigarettes.
  5. I always say no to cigarettes.
  6. I say yes to all that is good for me and my life.
  7. I have absolutely no desire or cravings for cigarettes.
  8. I completely and utterly reject nicotine.
  9. Stopping smoking is easy for me.
  10. I feel fantastic being a non-smoker.
  11. I am a non-smoker.

As you can see, I changed them up a little at the end and added an extra command. I made a few changes that came to my consciousness based on what I was reading and writing at the time (effect). I then added some descriptive words (italicized text) to add a little more power to them.

Obviously with these commands being stated from the first-person point of view using "I", you can verbally or silently repeat these commands every morning 10 times or more each, every afternoon 10 times or more, and again every evening 10 times or more. That should give a massive boost to your stopping smoking campaign. (or other addiction removals). But this part is secondary to the main method.

I actually never used the previous step of repeating them verbally to myself, at all. I just used the next part.

You will begin to focus on the negative side of smoking and more easily induce a positive result of stopping smoking. The turning point if you will.

Step 3:

However, to really get them to work for you, you should rephrase them in the third person. Using "You" instead of "I" and "Are" instead of "Am", and "You" for "me" and so on. Like this:

  1.       You have absolutely no desire to smoke.
  2.       You totally and absolutely refuse cigarettes
  3.            Cigarettes taste completely disgusting to you.
  4.        You absolutely and totally reject cigarettes.
  5.       You always say no to cigarettes.
  6.       You say yes to all that is good for You and your life.
  7.       You have absolutely no desires or cravings for cigarettes.
  8.       You completely and utterly reject nicotine.
  9.       Stopping smoking is easy for You.
  10.        You feel fantastic being a non-smoker.
  11.        You Are a none-smoker.

Above, I have replaced the necessary words (red/italicized) to make the statements into commands that will be received. i.e. Commands Made ON/TO myself or yourself. As if from an outside source.

You should also note that when you are talking about negatives that steal your life, you have to treat them as such. Command yourself into obedience so to speak. You are in effect going to war on yourself. The part that is working against you. Treat it as the enemy it is.

Speaking the verbal ("I") commands a couple of times a day is great but receiving the same commands ("You") makes them so much more powerful.

Step 3:

To get these commands to work for you it is necessary to record them onto a PC and make an mp3 of them so you can listen back to the recorded commands.

In Audacity (PC), you can record each command, and then export each single command as an mp3 file. Then import each mp3, one at a time, and duplicate it 20 times. Then export the new version.

Finally, import each command, onto a new track (they will create another track themselves, and then copy command 2 to the end of command 1 and so on. So you have a single long track containing each command in order, repeated 20 times.

All you need to do then is play the audio whilst you sleep, very quietly in the background, and throughout the day. Always when you are alone.

Final Thoughts

A final word about prerecorded commands and subliminal recordings.

They are lame for the most part. Why? because they lack the initial decision on your part to decide and choose for yourself, to change, to remove the negatives. 

The seed never gets a chance to germinate with prerecorded subliminals. In short, you are way more powerful... should I say, your decision to change or turning point is far more powerful than someone else's imposed on you through prerecorded subliminals.

Having said that, my book, Eliminate The Negatives includes a link for those interested to download several prerecorded command sets for smoking drugs, etc.

So there you have it. The decision to change your habits is vital in this process of eliminating the negatives and so I will leave you with this one final thought.

After creating the commands for specific fears, habits, or behaviors, you may also want to create two more sets to run alongside your negative commands. The subjects of which should be:

  1. A willpower of iron
  2. A positive mental attitude

Again, my book includes links to downloadable files if you absolutely cannot create your own. But do try and make the effort.

Failing that, even buying a book you already know the outcome of is a powerful decision.